This is the worst time for your sump pump to stop. Unfortunately, a sump pump requires electricity to work, so a power outage stops the sump pump completely. Here are some common problems sump pumps experience that stop its function. Without a battery backup sump pump, the basement becomes prone to leakage. Potential problems range in severity, but all of them keep the sump pump from its regular functions. From malfunctions to complete failures, a sump pump can leave a basement or crawlspace vulnerable with almost no warning. Sump pumps face certain problems that impact your day-to-day life if something goes wrong. Additionally, the pedestal sump pump is the more economical option of the two. The mechanics are easily accessible at all times, which makes repairs or replacements simple and fast.
Battery backup for sump pump systems how to#
Luckily, most homes already have pumps, so you only need to worry about how to maintain the current system.

Not all sump pumps function in the same way, so it’s important to know which system most benefits you and your family. There’s still more to learn about the average sump pump. However, if a sump pump stops working for whatever reason, that water floods your space. Because of this, the water continuously moves through the pipe. Additionally, a fan-like device called an impeller forces water toward the sides of the pipe, which creates a center low-pressure area. This ensures water does not come right back around to the pump. These pipes have a one-way valve to transport the water in a single direction.

After collection, the water moves through pipes away from the foundation. They collect water from around the foundation via drains and natural water migration. To keep your basement or crawl space dry, the sump pump sits in the lowest point. Damage caused by floods costs thousands of dollars to fix-not to mention the sentimental losses you incur from waterlogged keepsakes or family heirlooms. Alternatively, soil becomes saturated with water, and that also damages the foundation. These cracks then allow the water to leak into the home. Water from soil around the foundation puts pressure on the cement, which causes it to crack. The reason why basements and crawl spaces flood stems from pressure buildups. Sump pumps are located in the basement or a crawl space for maximum protection where it counts.

Easy to see why a sump pump is necessary, isn’t it? When it rains, excess water either travels through the sump pump and away from a house’s foundation, or it collects, causes cracks, and leads to floods. Then, Thomas & Galbraith discusses all the benefits associated with a battery backup sump pump. Detailed below are all the facts you need to understand the sump pump in your home. Some homeowners know their sump pump well, but no need to worry if you are unsure about what it does. Thomas & Galbraith answer all your questions about this vital piece of equipment. What if the pump fails? That’s when a battery backup sump pump comes in handy. Because of that, a sump pump is necessary to avoid flooded basements. What does a battery backup sump pump do for your home? In Cincinnati, Ohio, weather changes practically every hour.